◦ Sessions will be a true 60, 90 or 120 minutes of work. So please plan on adding an extra 5-10 minutes before and after to your total appointment time.
◦ I choose to use only the best products. All products used are free from artificial fragrances, dyes, sulfates and parabens; most are organic.
◦ Please text (515-290-6349) or email (bestlifeservicesbykellyjohnson@gmail.com or bestlifehypnosisbykellyjohnson@gmail.com) to book a session. I still utilize a paper/pencil planner for scheduling because my offerings (hypnosis & bodywork) all vary in duration. A phone call may work occasionally, but I’m usually at work (at school as a teacher) or in a session and unable to answer.
◦ Your session can/will include a blend of modalities depending on your goals and preferences. Below you will find descriptions of the possible options and techniques.
◦ For a $5 upcharge, Charley® magnesium sport gel can be applied to tight muscles during your treatment.
◦ Clients can remain fully clothed (loose athletic clothing is best) for focus work with myofascial and positional release techniques or may undress to their level of comfort for direct touch using a medium where I use discreet draping techniques for the entirety of the session. It’s about a 50/50 split on what clients prefer so please know that what you feel comfortable with is just right for you and is how we will proceed.
» Fascia is a densely woven sheath (web) that contains and covers all organs, muscles/its individual fibers, nerves, bones, veins, and the spinal cord
» When this connective tissue becomes adhered, tight, or restricted, it can cause pain and tension throughout the rest of the body. Think about a run in a pair of hose stockings that pulls on the entire sheet of material.
» Myofascial release isn’t like a typical massage, but includes gentle sustained pressure. It’s very relaxing and effective.
» Progress is measured by a decrease in pain and by an improvement in posture and range of motion
» Gentle rhythmic light pressure
» Stimulates the lymphatic system
» Lymph system absorbs fluid, toxins, waste material and foreign substances from our tissues, then this gets purified by the lymph nodes
» Boosts immune system, reduces swelling and pain, increases body’s ability to heal itself
» Slows heart rate and breathing & allows organs to resume normal function
» Not just for athletes or those who exercise routinely, but anyone who does strenuous activities that can wear and tear on their bodies (mothers with small children, builders & laborers, gardeners, etc.)
» Helps prevent injuries, stiffness & soreness and muscle spasms
» Reduces recovery time between workouts
» Helps relieve pain, increases flexibility and range of motion. Helps improve performance. Extends the overall longevity of your active life.
» 10-20 minutes of any massage session’s time can be spent utilizing a dynamic cupping technique on especially tight areas and trigger points
» The vacuum therapy machine provides tissues with the opposite effect of what manual hand massage’s compression provides; thus lifting, separating and giving space around tissues
» Dynamic cupping is when Kelly keeps the cup moving while she works, versus parking them and leaving them in one place
» Helps release muscle tension and tightness and helps to release fascial adhesions
» Dynamic cupping’s effects can also lead to increased range of motion
» The heat within the smooth contours of the shells gently warms muscles making them more receptive to the benefits of massage
» Shells can be placed on the body (to warm up and relax deep muscles) and/or can be used during gliding massage strokes
» Seashell massage originated in Hawaii and the South Pacific Islands, but is popular throughout the world
» Hot & Cold Stone Therapy is an advanced therapeutic technique, using thermotherapy & cryotherapy
» Heated volcanic basalt stones in order to deeply affect and relax the muscles, followed immediately by cool marble stones in order to invigorate, refresh and revitalize
» A rejuvenating and exhilarating experience
» Warmed smooth bamboo sticks (in a variety of lengths and diameters) are integrated into a flowing therapeutic massage
» The pressure can be light or deep, depending on your needs and preference
» The addition of warm bamboo can allow for deeper work on the muscles than is possible with hands alone
» Relaxation massage, often referred to as Swedish massage
» Relaxes the entire body by increasing circulation of blood and oxygen, while decreasing muscle tension
» With the option to address trigger points, pain and adhesions with targeted work
» “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla
» Using sound therapeutically can harness the vibration of sound to support and restore depleted energy, increase cellular movement and help bring about improvement in the body
» Individualized sessions can include: tuning forks, Tibetan singing bowls, tingsha bells, handpan drum, and more
» Very gentle hands-on technique (gentle cradling of head, neck and spine) that allows the therapist to access the core nervous system in an unobtrusive manner
» Practitioner monitors and adjusts the CranioSacral Rhythm from head to tailbone to facilitate a smoother, less impeded flow of Cerebral Spinal Fluid through the system.
» Can help alleviate/reduce headaches, TMJ dysfunction, chronic pain, emotional trauma, depression, Bell’s Palsy
» Could be described as Acupuncture without the needles
» The art of precise pressure point massage
» Works to unblock chi (energy) by targeting points on lines in the body through which energy flows - known in traditional Chinese medicine as meridians
» This philosophy also views meridians and organs relating to our emotions, so acupressure can aid recovery from emotional distress as well
» A therapeutic technique that involves working, manipulating, and kneading nerve endings on the feet, hands and ears that correspond to organs, glands, body systems and specific areas of the body
» Clear blocked energy pathways and to move the flow of blood, nerve impulses and nutrients
» Helps to improve a person’s health & well-being and helps improve the immune, circulatory, nervous and musculoskeletal systems
» Click here to find out more
» A paraffin wax dip treatment can be added for a $5 upcharge for feet, $5 upcharge for hands or a $10 upcharge for both hands and feet.